Multitenant User Permissions

Multitenant User Permissions

Statistics and insights related to the pet-care industry

The requirements

11pets is the leading software ecosystem for the pet industry offering solutions for pet families, pet professionals and pet welfare organizations. We offer web-based and mobile application solutions that help the different actors manage the data of their pets and their day-to-day business needs.

The most frequently requested feature we get from our clients is that they want to be able to allow multiple users to use their account and that they want to limit which functionality they can perform. Such a use case is especially useful for Grooming Salons, Shelters and Pet Shops that employ multiple people with different responsibilities.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) in multitenant environments where a tenant can have multiple users with different roles is not a sufficient solution for us, since we require to Service Level Agreements (SLA) to control the features that are permitted by a user as well as finer control over actions because we want to allow users to create additional roles on a per tenant basis, thus limiting the functionality they expose to their employees based on their business needs.

The requirements are as follows:

  • A user with a single account can have access to multiple projects, e.g., a shop and a groomer
  • A user can have different roles in different projects
  • A role can perform only a limited set of functions in the system and see only a limited amount of information.
  • A project can have only a subset of the functionality of the system, which is defined by the Service Level Agreement that is mandated by the subscription type.

Database design

The Entity Relationship Diagram below shows the most important parts of the database design implemented to satisfy the requirements. A Project (tenant) has multiple Users, and each User can belong to a role for the specific project, allowing users to belong to multiple projects with different roles. A project has multiple SLAs based on the subscriptions of the tenant. Actions are used to give permissions on sub processes of the system. These sub processes could be an API endpoint or a message handler. Actions are grouped into Action Categories to compose features of the platform. A role can have multiple Action Categories assigned. Finally, an Action Category can have UIModules, UIMenus and UIElements assigned that are used by the front-end to construct the dashboard of the user based on the permissions he/she has.

Multitenant permissions ERD

Administration of permissions

The system exposes all available Actions to the administrator. An Action could be the name of the request or an arbitrary string depending on the conventions used in the project.

The administrator can group Actions into ActionCategories, for example the ActionCategory ManageInvoices can include Actions RetrieveInvoices, RefundInvoices, GenerateReport, while the ActionCategory ViewInvoices could include only RetrieveInvoices. Using ActionCategories the administrator can create meaningful groups of permitted actions that meet the business needs for the features offered by the platform.

An ActionCategory can be assigned to Roles. For example a Role Manager can have ManageInvoices while a Role Employee can have access to ViewInvoices, or no access at all.

Roles can be used to assign fine-grained permissions to users for a project. When a User is assigned to a project a Role must be provided.

A SaaS platform must have the ability to limit access to features based on the SLA of the subscription of a tenant. Each SLA has a set of permitted actions assigned to it.

Consider a platform that offers a Basic and a Premium Plan. The Premium Plan allows the GenerateReport Action while the Basic plan does not. We need to ensure that the Role Manager cannot GenerateReport even though it is permitted by the Role. This can be achieved by calculating the intersection of the set of permitted actions defined in the Role and the set of permitted actions assigned by the SLA.

Permission checks

Permissions are usually a cross-cutting concern for an application. In our case we use pipelines of filters to enforce permissions. In projects where Mediator pattern is used, we register a pipeline step that for every message we check if the permission exists, otherwise we return an error. In projects using ASP.Net MVC we could define an action filter that checks based on the route or method name.

Mediator pipeline behavior for permission checks

Blocking actions in the backend is sufficient to guarantee that users cannot perform undesired actions. To provide a good User Experience (UX) we need to either hide elements on the UI or be able to disable them. When building a Single Page Application (SPA) the client-side code needs to be aware of the restrictions imposed by permissions to adapt to what each user can do.

Pets.Platform.Permissions provides a solution that allows to calculate UI Menus, Routes and accessible UI Elements based on the access level of the user. The backend should provide the client-side code with a set of Routes, Menus and Elements that can be used to construct the correct dashboard. It is the responsibility of the front-end to provide a good UX.

A UIModule has a coarse scope and is mainly used to guard pages. The UIModule is assigned an ActionCategory and can only be accessed if the user is permitted based on Role and SLA. The Front-end can then display the normal page or a forbidden message if the user accesses the route. In our dashboards using react-router we use the following guard to avoid registering them.

React Gated Route Component

UIMenus can control the sidebar or navbar menus of the dashboard. The backend provides a tree of MenuItems which can be used to build the correct menus for the user.


Dynamic menu generator example

Finally, UI Elements can be used for find-grained control for buttons, or sections in the page. For example, the GenerateReport button can be disabled or hidden if the user does not have the appropriate permissions. A guard like the following could be used to ensure that an element is hidden:


Performance is always a concern. With a traffic of thousands of users, we need to reduce the number of round trips to the database for permission checks. Permissions do not change very often which makes them a good candidate for caching. We implemented a provider class that reads the required records from the database and caches them in memory to perform the checks faster.

Other concerns

Permissions can change over time, therefore the administrator should have the ability to reset and reload the permissions while the system is running without having to restart all the services. To achieve this, a message to reload permissions should be consumed by the service.

Other concerns for a platform are subscription changes of a tenant and user assignments to roles or tenants. The microservice managing this should publish appropriate events that the permissions module should consume to update the database and its caches.


The source code of our solution can be found here.

This document in pdf format can be downloaded here


The Project INNOVATE-COVID/0420/0018 is co-funded by the European Union and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation.

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